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Forum Posts

brian comnes
Mar 24, 2020
In Olegtron 4060 MK2
1. The mk2  manual is a bit confusing, it talks about placing  a cap in the inputs near the frequency knob to slow it  down but it shows two holes for placement But My MK2 has 3 holes see attached images what is that center hole for???  is it active? 2. and on anther topic is there any detailed discussion on how to best use the red section of the pedal?   +,  -,  Ground and starved, the manual is skimpy on that I've pretty much got comfortable with the other sections but I am at loss on how best to use the red section?? 3. Any chance for a schematic or block diagram for this pedal, that would definitely speed up the learning curve. 4. Finally, what's with the forum, pretty paltry participation, have you considered muffwigglers forum, it has a LOT of traffic. Peace Brian PS my mk2 2 works really well with Bastl Bitranger and softPop, also the Volcca modular enjoys it very much as well, maybe I'll do a demo vid during this covid lockdown "holiday" 23 Settings 📷 Brian Comnes (415) 531-5709 Edit contact
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brian comnes
Mar 03, 2020
In Olegtron 4060 MK2
OK my 4060 mk2 arrived, what a treat! It makes the Bastl SoftPop really pop. Still working on its effect on the BitRAnger. Anyway here are some thoughts 1. Is there a schematic documenting which inputs/outputs go to which pins on the chip? 2. Can someone elaborate a bit on the OSC section, RES CAP COM and what they do? The manual is very sparse on that section. 3. Have you considered moving this forum to the MuffWiggler site? It seems to me that the Olegtron products would get a much better exposure to that larger community. This forum is nice but I have to say that it isn't crowded. More later -
brian comnes
Feb 29, 2020
In Olegtron 4060 MK2
Hey I saw the review in the new WaveForm magazine, ordered one from Reverb, can't wait til it gets here Monday!!. I am going to use it with my Bastl BitRanger, Kastle and SoftPop which also use those Dupont cables. I also have a few eurorack modules that can use it too. Should be fun, will post any successes here for comment.

brian comnes

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